The presence of the beast is one which decimates the good girl. The nice one. The one who makes space for all.
The beast is wildly unpresentable, and yet, isn’t wild.
It is deeply steady.
It is royal, majestic, massive.
The beast is like the gentle swat of a giant paw.
A dontfuckwithmebecausethisishoweasyitistofinishyou.
The beast is deeply acquainted with life.
and therefore - death.
It knows the consequences of the physical realm. In fact, it is an expert.
It knows how and why death comes, both to its prey, and to itself.
And it lives in total reverence for it. In complete respect for the laws of nature.
And so
It might seem like the beast is a fighter. An attacker. An avenger.
But it, in fact, is just the opposite.
It is a responder.
Present, moment to moment, actively interacting with the constantly changing world in which it lives.
Ready to respond in right time, in alignment with these laws, that it so deeply reveres.
If that means you get hurt,
so it is.
If that means it gets hurt,
so it is.
There is nothing about it, but open surrender.
And when death comes,
It washes over the giant beast like sweet relief, that this life was lived, and the next will come.
The beast
is not unkind.
It is not careless, nor cruel.
It is all loving.
And even, gentle.
It is so huge and powerful
Without question or need to prove itself
That even its immense strength in action,
Is soft.
It is full-bodied and alive with presence.
It is free of force or oppression.
When the beast is on your side
(or alive within you)
You can be sure you will be protected,
From yourself.
a 4 month shamanic container
to uncover the majestic giant within
let your feral animal become your fierce protector
and stand for nothing less
than your deepest embodiment
all the way
the death.