are you willing to let your life fall apart

for the deepest thing?

are you ready to actually trust

that life has plans for you?

are you



done fighting about your worthiness

your goodness

your value

your efforts

your productivity

are you done fighting to do it right?

and ready to do it true?


in alignment with your soul?

i know you know how to do it right

or if you don’t

you could easily go out there and find someone to tell you how

to teach you

and you can keep fighting.

if that’s where you are

i’ll invite you to look elsewhere

because you won’t find that here.


what you’ll find

is the redirection back to your soul.

the redirection back to your knowing

your heart

your opening

i don’t have answers

you do

but until you can fluently speak the language of soul

i’ll be your guide

translating words you don’t yet understand

walking through the mysterious dark with you

letting soul

carve you into shape

one stroke at a time


a year-long (minimum) 1:1 journey into your revealing

this is a big financial and energetic investment

it requires your commitment and willingness to go there

if you feel it stirring your insides, rumbling your bones, moving your waters

the button to apply lies below.