Here's what I know...
Incredible humans,
The retreat is tomorrow.
Here's what I know:
I know that you are juggling a lot right now.
And I know that having you commit to something at this time is confusing, and possibly overwhelming.
[Trust me, I've signed up for a handful of classes/workshops/programs during this quarantine, but never sooner than a day in advance. I'm with you.]
I also know that regardless of how safe you actually are, your system is continually trying to protect yourself (physically, mentally, financially, emotionally, etc).
I also know that you are strong and can totally take care of yourself.
And I also know that we need community, shared experiences, and spaces where someone else is taking care of safety in order to process the heaviness of this time.
I know that without connection - we don't make it.
I know that without action - we end up traumatized.
I know that without nervous system regulation - we get stuck in stress responses, far beyond the scope of this immediate threat.
And I know that this retreat could be the thing that keeps you from getting stuck.
The thing that allows you to float through this time intact.
The thing that provides you with community and experiences that can actually be with you as you are.
The thing that allows you to let go just enough to slip into your full Self.
The thing that allows you to use this time to transform and heal, rather than drown and overwhelm.
I know that you can move through this time deeply connected to yourself, equipped to do what you want to do, ready to be the expansive, expressive, intuitive being you truly are.
I know that you can come out of this time without extra baggage. And I also know that it takes a little consciousness to make that so. It takes a little support. A little community. A little slowdown. A little love.
I hope you'll join me.
I hope you'll spend a few hours a day this weekend expanding into this fullness that you have within you.
I hope you'll share your goodness with the community.
You are NEEDED.
You can click below to read more, or sign up. As always, don't hesitate to hit reply and simply talk to me. I'm here for it.
Sending you so much love,