I love my body.
I love my body.
And, my body finally, is starting to love me back.
I disrespected her for so long.
I ignored her feelings, her callings, her hunger.
I dumbed down her cravings and desires.
I tried to fix her pain and sorrow and anger.
I told her to get in line with what I wanted her to do.
And to be like.
And then I wondered,
Why was everyone around me telling me I should be different than I am?
Telling me I needed to do better?
Could it be, perhaps, because I was doing the same thing..
To her?
I’m still struggling with this when it comes to eating. I’m annoyed with how much she wants to eat, and I spent years dieting and controlling my food, and having full-on disordered eating, in the name of “health”. Which, let’s be real, was based on a standard of beauty that is a skewed idea of what health for a WOMAN is.
Because we don’t want women to be FULL.
Because a FULL, well-supported, CONNECTED woman is
We don’t even want it ourselves sometimes, right?
Because the thing is, we truly are SO deeply powerful.
And we can live a life with so so so much beauty.
And we can live a life fully honoring our deep, loud, BIG desires.
And we can live a life FEEDING our hunger in every way.
And we can live a life honoring and savoring and LOVING our pain and our sorrow.
It can actually all be sweet.
But none of this is possible,
If we are not inside of our bodies.
If we cannot commune with her,
Not to control her away,
Not to tell her where to put her leg, to do a lunge, or a squat…
But truly commune with her.
LISTEN to her.
Honor her.
I invite you to join @kaylabrenda’s BODYLOVE app that comes out this Sunday, August 29. It is ALL ABOUT THIS.
I have a handful of classes in there, along with SO MANY magical humans, that I am honored to share the space with, including the truly divine, Kayla herself.
I’m teaching a free class today at 2 pm PST on @kaylabrenda. I hope you’ll join for a taste.
I love you.
Originally written August 26, 2021.