I've been having a hard time with promotion.

All my life I’ve been really good at explaining things.

At explaining myself.

At sharing.
And let’s be honest...

It gives me a sense of control.
Control over how I see myself.
Control over what I believe is going on.
Control over how you see me.
Control over the general narrative of who I am.

But the more I connect to myself...

The self beneath the narrative and the explanations and the social longings...

The less I need to explain.
The less I need to dictate the story that is me.
The less I want to control the image..
And the more I want to become connected to what truly is.

In my business, explaining has been the name of the game.

I’ve always been able to dictate the story of how a program goes, and all the ways in which it’s valuable.

But every time I get in touch with the real healing..
Every time I get in touch with those magical moments where things just make sense...

I realize...

No story
No narrative
No explanation
Can even begin to touch what this is actually about.

So I’ve been a little quiet on IG lately.

Because after every session I have with a client,
And after every class I teach,
And after every discussion for my online course,

I feel in touch with the absolute magic
Of no explanation.
Of witnessing pure presence.
Of holding space of true beauty and honest connection to what is..

That words just seem to rob the experience of its fullness.


I’m still here.
And I’m here in some really profound ways.

I run a monthly membership program that consists of weekly embodied movement classes, and monthly live gatherings. Plus, you get discounts on courses and coaching sessions.

I also see 1:1 clients weekly. A session is a spectacular container that allows said client to witness themself roll through their internal world with deep, embodied trust and aliveness.

I get the sense that you, too, might be dealing with how to honor the fullness of your experience, without overanalyzing, or controlling, or restricting.

And I see you.

There is room for you in both of these offerings, should either of these spaces call to you.


Jessie Levine