The language of the body

Learn to speak the language of the body

It doesn’t speak in words

It doesn’t know the context of our world
Our hierarchies of power
Our value judgements

It doesn’t communicate with assessment
Or shoulds

It only knows truth.
It only knows what IS.
What is speaking
Not what is being said.

Sometimes I think
How can we ever know body, really.

But then I soften.
I listen.
I trust my practices.
And I know.

This weekend, I have the absolute pleasure of being a teacher for the Inside Out Intensive with ✨.

We get to dive in to this world.

HOW do we actually communicate with our body?
You will learn this in this intensive.
You will practice it.
You will begin to, or continue to,
Open the doors to what is true
Inside of you.

I hope you’ll join me, and the magic that is @jahmielynn and @shaelleetienne. Honored to be here with you all.

Click ‘s bio link to sign up.
We are also going live tonight at 5 pm pst to chat more about it, and give away a free sign up to a special someone!

If you know your body is speaking to you
And you just want to learn it’s language

Be there.

Jessie Levine