When the hacker acts up... we dance.
When the hacker acts up again…
We dance.
When Anxiety rolls in,
And Control tries to grab it,
Have it,
Direct it and dissect it,
We dance.
When energy builds and the body lights up
And the Mind threatens to clamp down
Holding it all inside
We dance.
We dance to tap in.
We dance to release.
We dance to give the energy an outlet,
A path to go down,
Other than spiral inward with frustrating stories.
We dance to honor the energy
Rather than push it away.
Dismiss it and reject it,
Exiling it to isolation.
We dance to savor the energy,
Rather than refuse it’s medicine.
We dance with Anxiety
Because anxiety wasn’t anxiety to begin with.
It was just life
That got twisted and stuck.
That got shoved in a corner.
That’s asking to be felt.
As my dear hacker harasses my friends and students, and long lost acquaintances,
Distorting the trust of who I am,
And have been,
All I can do is open.
Let the last bits of my attachment to image get rattled up inside of me
Shaking my body from the inside
Begging to be felt and moved and loved.
Letting obsessive Control
Morph into potentiated energy
To be licked up
By life,