Jessie Levine
Jessie Levine
a 9 week embodied journey of integrating your bratty bitch
First Name
Last Name
What draws you to The Brat?
Give me a quick outline of why you feel called to this archetype/program.
Where would you say you are in the approval/integration of your inner brat?
Pick the closest option to where you're at.
It was hard for me to admit she's in me, or I'm not even sure who she is.
I know she's in me, but I don't let her show herself.
I know her pretty well, and let her come out only in playful ways.
I see her behaviors really clearly, and am looking at the parts I don't like.
I am actively going into her shadow to free myself from the way she has a hold on me.
What is your relationship with embodiment work? Give me some background, and any current practices you do.
(ie nervous system healing, embodied dance/movement, energy work, etc).
This journey is an alchemical one, meaning, we are going into some deep places, transforming the shame, and fully facing the fear and grief inside of them. Are you prepared for this type of work?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
This program costs $999 for 9 weeks. I have various payment plans available. Can you invest financially?
Yes, but with payment plans
Not sure
No (I will not be contacting you if this is the case)
If I feel this is a good fit for you, I will reach out to schedule a quick call. Is there anything else you want me to know?
Thank you!