One-on-one Coaching

This coaching program is an opportunity to get one-on-one support in your journey. Together, we dive into your world. We look at what’s going on in your life, in your mind and heart, and in your body. This is not so much about creating life goals - as it is about BECOMING THE PERSON that can seamlessly create the life they want.

So, what’s stopping you from already having the life you want? And being the person that has it?




That nasty thought that says I’m just not good enough?

I feel you. And so does your body. Free up the space in your mind to be able to walk through those fears with power, with love, and with grace.

Mental Clarity

Intellectual understanding

We get the direct opportunity to understand how the human mind works. Humans are wired for survival, and not much else. So many of our natural tactics, end up working against us these days where we are no longer being chased by mountain lions! We will start to get the hang of what your defenses are, and how your patterns get in the way.

 Get a taste of this, by checking out the BLOG.

Emotional Intelligence

Accepting and processing emotions

Once we understand the workings of your mind a little bit better, we connect to the feelings. In this world of always have to be better, sexier, stronger, etc - it’s often really tough to even see what your true feelings are. So we get to dive in, dig in. We use meditation techniques, journaling, and conversation to unlock what’s really going on. Then we really support that beautiful, real, emotional human (you)!

Experience this process on a RETREAT.

Physical Integration

Intentional yoga

So guess what? Your emotions….literally LIVE in your body. Your body houses them, feels them, and stores them. And while that’s part of what makes life so exquisite and sensational, unfortunately, it’s also a HUGE part of why we get sick, injured, and live with aches and pains constantly. Using yoga as a tool to access the body, we get to move through blockages. By working from both angles (mental and physical) we slowly start to release the knots. Healing injuries, relieving colds/headaches/allergies, and even healing illness would not be a surprise after doing this work.

Get a taste of this at a WORKSHOP!


Whole Being Transformation

Put these practices into your life, so that you don’t need me

My goal is not for you to depend on me for your growth. But simply, to use me as a tool to unlock what you ALREADY KNOW. So this is not only coaching with me, it is training for the rest of your life!

If you want more of it, you can stay inspired by coming to MEET-UPS ;).

If you’re ready to take your knowing, and begin to serve the world, join a TEACHER TRAINING.

One-on-one coaching is the opportunity to combine all of these into one. Sessions are usually 2 hours, in my home or yours. Video call also available for those not in LA!