1:1 emotional embodiment Coaching
Most of us have been taught to ignore, hide, and control our emotions.
Even as the world becomes more accepting of things like therapy, and self-development, the narrative still seems to be something like, do this thing so you can get really good at controlling your emotions and you won’t have to feel bad anymore.
The problem is, being healthy (emotionally and physically) is not about having ultimate control. It’s not about getting better at sucking it up. It’s not about pushing down what you feel, so that you can perform better.
It’s about moving through the world feeling whole. Having a say in your life. Valuing yourself and the things you care about.
Here’s the thing:
About 20% of our daily functioning is top-down, meaning our mind says, hey body, can you do this thing now? And our body listens.
But about 80% of our daily functioning is bottom-up, meaning our body just does a thing, and our mind may or may not even register it happening (heart beating, breath breathing, food digesting, etc).
This is particularly important when it comes to emotions because, as you probably already know, emotions are part PHYSICAL. If you’ve ever had a pit in your stomach after someone said something mean, or a knot in your throat when you try to hold back tears - you get it. You’ve felt it.
So, if emotions are physical, and EIGHTY PERCENT of my daily experience is my body doing things that my mind DOES NOT have a say over…why the heck are we spending so much time trying to get the mind to control the body?
That only accounts for a tiny piece of the picture.
Emotional embodiment coaching is not therapy. I’m not here to help you get better at controlling your mind.
Rather, it is about working with the full 100%. Working with the natural rhythms of the nervous system. Uncoiling stuck energy and patterned responses within your physiology, and doing so consciously, so that you can continue to have autonomy in your healing.
This work is about expanding your capacity for “ok-ness.” Expanding your ability to truly be with yourself in any situation. To truly BE yourself in any situation. And to be able to actually have agency over your life.
You don’t have to push. To force. To hide. To ignore.
You get to be full.
But we gotta get embodied.
My clients are humans who…
feel things deeply, care a LOT, and are passionate about this life
are connected to their bodies through yoga, dance, or other physical movement
want to be the best they can be, and to make an impact on this world
get stopped or stuck in fear, insecurity, or self-doubt
want to “be confident”, but feel there’s more to it than that
know deep down how worthy they are, but don’t always feel it
are sensitive to their feelings, and self-aware of their thoughts and behaviors
are responsible for their actions, sometimes to a fault
might deal with bouts of depression, or anxiety
might struggle with body image, or eating disorders
might get sick often, or injured often
are sensitive to external factors (everything from someone else’s tone of voice, to the change in the weather)
might feel shame about their habits, behaviors, decisions
deal with feelings of not being good enough
have a strong desire to be powerful and purposeful in their careers
want to be impactful as a partner, mother, friend, brother, daughter, human in this world
want to create a sense of self that holds true no matter the circumstance
want to OWN who they are, and LOVE that
struggle with feeling bad about themselves, OR love themselves, but want to be more connected
want to know how to listen to their bodies, trust themselves, and step up to the plate
want to be able to DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, in a way that is authentic, truthful, and genuine
Build your own package:
Decide on a package that works for you
After your first call, we decide together how many sessions to start with.
A big part of healing is that it needs to be conscious, and autonomous, and the last thing I want to do is push you into something that isn’t totally aligned.
Start with a single session
Book a single session to experience it for yourself.
This is a 60-minute video call. You can expect to feel your body, share about what’s going on for you, and experience some shifts in how you feel, and how you move forward with your week.
on-going practices
Throughout our time together, we will develop practices that you can revisit on your own as needed. This journey is not about one quick transformation, but rather, continuous healing and embodiment in your life.
This journey is not about trying to get you to some unknown place in the future, it is about fully BEING WHERE YOU ARE.
As we grow in our relationship, you will start to see that the healing just happens. You no longer will need to force it, or discipline yourself to do an exercise. You will just be there.
This is the magic of this work. You won’t have to try. You’ll just get to be you.
How It Works:
Emotional Processing
Feeling emotion in the body
Once we understand the workings of your mind a little bit better, we connect to emotion in the body. Often, the mind has a lot of work arounds, that the body can access on a much deeper level.
We use meditation and somatic techniques to drop you into your body, in a way that allows for emotion to move through you with safety and ease. We cultivate expression, and resource in an embodied way.
Mental Clarity
Intellectual understanding
In our sessions, we get to dive into what’s going on with you, and how that’s affecting you.
This is where you really get to be HEARD, and held, in whatever you’re going through.
We will start to look at your understanding of what’s going on, notice any patterns or tendencies, and play with perspective and conscious mental shifts.
Embodied Living
Effortless, continuous healing
The cool thing about the body, is that it is always tending towards healing. So once we unlock some of the stuckness, the body actually heals itself.
The goal in working together is for you to establish a connection with your body that allows you to continue effortless healing as you simply live your life.
I’m here for you, but your body really does the work.
Nervous System Regulation
Completing incomplete cycles
The nervous system is moving in constant rhythm. One of the ways to define trauma, is when that rhythm gets stuck.
We spend a lot of time in our sessions unraveling what might be stuck, and then allowing that piece to complete itself, and restore to its natural rhythm.
Regulation is less about controlling anything, and more about allowing space for the system to function as it is so magically designed to.
What People Have Said:
Who Am I?
What qualifies me to guide you?
In addition to having spent the last 4 years leading over 50+ women through transformative yoga retreats, over 25+ humans through Yoga Teacher Training, and 2 dozen coaching clients through personal embodiment; I have spent my entire life encompassing myself in self-development work. I have tried all different methods, techniques, and perspectives. I have trained my mind to overcome huge obstacles, I have connected to my body and healed injuries (and chronic colds!), I have meditated and done breathwork and actually rewired patterns, and healed traumas in myself. I understand the inner workings of the human mind, and how that actually LIVES in the body. I embody both the world of discipline and focus to be who you want to be, and absolute LOVE and acceptance of who you already are.
But really, I am qualified to be your guide - not because I know every tool, or have all the answers. But rather, because I DON’T have a one-size-fits-all formula for you, and I know that.
The truth is, we will never have it all figured out. We will never be problem-free. We will never be “healed”, with no looking back. We will never “make it” so to speak, but we CAN and WILL BE who we want to be, and DO what we want to do. We CAN and WILL live in the fullness of life, and walk through challenges with more ease and flow. We CAN and WILL honor ourselves, and expand our capacity for greatness, in whatever way that is most important to us.
And that deep acceptance of the continual process that is life, is what has me facilitate your self-LOVE, self-TRUST, and your KNOWING that you are worthy, capable, and FUCKING POWERFUL.
My mission is to help you become SUPERHUMAN. Not because you are beyond human nature, but because you are SUPER in-tune, and capable of anything.
Xoxo, Jessie
specific certifications:
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (Beginner and Intermediate, and still in training)
200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200)
200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga School (E-RYS 200)
The Landmark Forum (The Forum, The Advanced Course)
Barre Body Certified
EYE Build Your Brand Seminar
Activate Your Inner Jaguar Course