precise: bringing density to your next level of embodiment

Precise is a 90 minute session where we drop in together to feel into what exactly is wanting to come through you, the next layer of embodied becoming that you are in. Then we create a workout plan that very specifically adds density and volume to that new layer so that you can fully BE it.

If these are fluffy words for you, let me break a down a little bit — what this means is very often there is some growth spot we are in. A place where we are growing INTO but we are not quite there yet. A spot where maybe we know mentally what it should be like but we can’t always hold on to it. Maybe it’s fleeting, or we feel it for a day and then we collapse after it. Some might call this like a lack of confidence, for example. You feel it one moment, and then the next you totally lose it. Right? These are the spots we are talking about. The spots that WANT TO LIVE INSIDE YOU but you just can’t seem to fully own them.


This is, simply put, a workout plan.

But much more than that, it is a decidedly specific tuning to the very spot that you can’t quite fully own - and bringing it FORWARD. Bringing into the foreground of your being.

It is a utilization of the pressure, weight, and exertion of a handful of exercises to strengthen this part in an EXACTING way.

It is like a defibrillation — a jump start to this layer that actually knows what to do, if given the right attention and energy and strength.

It is like the forging of hot metal — a strong CLUNK to wedge it into its rightful shape.

It is like the shaping the 3D version of this layer so you can ground it in reality. So you know it’s not going anywhere. So you can learn to fill it with your energy, and give it life.

So, the session is 90 minutes, on zoom.

We will spend about a third of the time dropping in and feeling into exactly what is wanting to come forward.

We will spend the second third of the time getting in the “gym” together, and playing with the exact right positions and movements really hit that spot (this is my specialty, don’t worry if you don’t get it).

Then we will spend the last third laying out a workout plan that you can come back to on your own.

You will receive the recording of the session, plus a written breakdown of the workout so you can practice on your own time.

The session is $222.

There is an additional option to add on 2 follow-up sessions, of 30 minutes each, to check in with how it’s going and make any adjustments that it needs. These follow up sessions will be approximately 2 weeks apart to give you space to really work with it.

This is an additional $111.

You can purchase all upfront for a total of $333, or you can add in the follow-ups later.

You can also come back as many times as you want ;).

All levels welcome, and no specific equipment needed (we will work with whatever you have).

I’ll be sprinkling these in to my regular scheduled programming for a while, so feel free to join in when you feel the craving.

The craving for a little density. A little weight to the things that are fleeting. A little evidence of the things you are creating…and becoming.

You can BOOK HERE for just the single session, or HERE to tack on the follow-ups.

I’ll send you an email once you’ve purchased to schedule.

xo, Jessie