I am forever changed.
I am forever changed. 💥
BURST fully switched me into a different timeline.
A timeline where little Jessie,
Fragile, afraid, broken Jessie
Actually left.
I saw her transform.
I saw her 13 year old body morph
From being this tight, quivering, folding-inside-of-itself creation
To opening, widening, loosening
To being this huge, graceful, fucking powerful being
That was always there
Just trapped inside.
When I was little,
I used to imagine myself as being this badass tumbler with a six pack
But when I actually looked at myself in the mirror, or saw video of me performing, or got feedback from my coaches and the world around me
What was reflected back to me was not enough.
And so I believed it.
Afraid Jessie.
I took on that persona.
And it became reality.
But inside of me,
I always knew there was a lion.
And so this lion came out sideways.
In brattiness.
In rebellion.
In sexiness.
In twisted power.
And I’ve been partially tortured
All this time
Wondering if the lion will ever get to see the light of day…
The lion is here. 🦁
Not just inside,
But overflowing out of me.
Because that is actually what Jessie is.
Fucking powerful.
And this weekend,
I finally believed it.
There is no going back from here.
A new timeline has begun.
Thank you @perri.chase for this epic event. Hands down the most transformative experience of my life. Thank you for trusting me so I could see it in myself.
It is done. ⚡️