I gave you love you couldn't receive.

I gave you love you couldn’t receive.

I gave you love and you couldn’t receive it.

And when your system blocked it
And pushed it back towards me
I heard

“You’re too needy”
“Stop pressuring me”

And I learned
That I pressure people
That I am not actually loving,
But rather,

And so I wanted
And I manipulated.

Because that’s what I do,

And I found connections
With those that couldn’t receive
So I could affirm
That I pressure people.
That I’m too needy.

I have so much love to give
It is my favorite thing to see the deep beauty
In another human
And hold it gently with my heart

And sing it’s praises
And honor its truth

But when it’s not received
I wonder,
Did I really give it?
As I fold back into myself

I’ve spent my whole life thinking that I’m not actually loving
When instead
I should have been thinking about the containers I was pouring my love into

Not to stop giving them love
But just to know that their reception has nothing to do with my gift

And in that knowing
I can give without needing it to be received

Not to drain myself or deplete my love
But to give solely because I am so filled with love
That it pours out of me

To give because I AM LOVE
And so
To not give
Would be to cut off my heart
My truth
My essence
My aliveness

To give because that is what happens as mind meets body meets soul meets earth
Because that is what being alive actually is.

The tree doesn’t stop growing
Because you don’t notice it there
Because you cut down it’s sisters
Because you took from its soil

It just


Jessie Levine