I knew it.
I knew it
And I pretended I didn’t.
I knew it.
I felt it long ago.
I felt it in looks and moments and energetic reaches.
I felt it in my back body, that resisted your touches.
But instead of listening
To the knowing
I felt inside
I pushed it away.
I told myself that can’t be right,
Look how great this is!
And so I convinced myself
Not to listen
Because your words were saying otherwise
Your promises reassured me
That indeed my knowing
Was just my fear
And then it happened
All that I knew
That you being here
Wasn’t true
But by this time
I had wound myself up
In wanting you
Reassured only with you saying it’s real
I keep doing this
And I did it again
I keep selling myself on your lies
I fall for your lies
Instead of my truth
And I’m done.
I’m through
I cannot do this again.
I’m too big for that,
And I actually know.
I know what I see
And the consequence of pretending I don’t
Is just too excruciatingly high
For me from now on.