Yoga Teacher Training begins IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!

It's not too late.
And to be honest...
It's time.

Not JUST because this program is absolutely FUCKING AMAZING.
Not JUST because you want to feel good, connected, powerful, and free in your body.
Not JUST because you are ready to heal injuries, shed old ways of being, and create a fresh, BADASS version of you.
Not JUST because this is my VERY LAST teacher training ever.
Not JUST because this program would have you so in sync with your body, that you can DO and BE whatever you want.

But also because...your body has been trying to talk to you for too long.
And it's time to listen.

If you are a dancer, or a mover of any sort, you have been taught a particular way of doing things. If you got competitive, or really excelled at a physical activity - you've had to accomplish those skills at expert level. This expert level often takes a certain amount of discipline, and of "take charge" action in your body.

And while I think that is AMAZING (I you watch So You Think You Can Dance? You guys can do insane things...), it tends to cancel out the possibility of actually listening to the body.

We go to rehearsal to "woop the body into shape". We train it, we stretch it, we strengthen it, we make it sore, we take advil to push through pains, we get injured, and we go right back.

And not that the body can't hang - it least for a while. But, if you keep doing this, you are silencing a part of yourself that has SO MUCH TO SAY.

Your body is, not only a pretty direct representation of your mind/spirit/emotions, but it also holds your trauma. I mean, literally. If you had a moment as a kid when you got in trouble, and you curled in a ball. Guess what - your body knows to curl in a ball when trouble is near.

YOU don't know it...
YOUR BODY knows it.

This program is about communicating with THIS part of you. It is about taking the experience in the body through yoga (and you can parallel it with dance, or other forms of movement), and using that as a way to understand what it needs, and what it's telling you. And THEN, we learn how to use yoga (and dance, etc) as a means to HEAL. Not just injuries or physical pains (although that too), but to actually heal your WHOLE SYSTEM. To communicate mind/body/heart like they are one, connected, being. To be in sync. To move forward in coherence and connection.

So good.
And so doable.

And it starts next week.

Here are the details one more time.

[If you are uncertain about schedule, money, or literally anything, but something about this opportunity is calling to you - REPLY TO THIS EMAIL RIGHT NOW AND TELL ME THAT. Communicate with me like you want to communicate with your body ;). ]

September 27 - December 15
Fridays 3-8 pm
Saturdays + Sundays 1:30 - 6:30 pm

Basement of Noho


  • 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher Training program

  • an in depth look at what goes into moving the body, and how we can connect to it as a means to feel better, to heal, and to enhance power in our lives

  • INSANELY AMAZING GUEST TEACHERS: Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Doctor, Breathwork Specialist, Sexuality Coach, Neuro-Kinetic Therapist, Functional Range Conditioning Specialist, Kundalini Teacher, and more.

  • a program that is designed to both give you LOTS of information and knowledge that will help guide you for YEARS to come, AND help you FEEL this knowledge deep in your body so you can truly embody it and your Self moving forward

  • a safe space, and a magical community and support system

  • so much more.

Deposit: $450
The remainder breaks down to $260 - $400 every two weeks.
*Work with me.

You ready?
The time is now, my loves.

I love you, dearly.

Don't hesitate to ask me questions, or send to a friend!

Jessie Levine