FEMALE POWER: Performance and Talk
I think sometimes we get confused. We think POWER means domination.
As a female, this gets particularly twisted, because as we are "rising" we tend to think the feistier the better.
Being overly sexy is just being free.
Being dominant is our right, after years of being inferior.
But we are not only sling shotting over to the masculine side, which isn't totally authentic to US.
But we are also creating POWER from a place of inequality. Anger. Imbalance.
But true power isn't imbalanced. It isn't about AUTHORITY OVER someone else. It's about the ability to AFFECT CHANGE in the world around you.
Now, if that's going to happen, in a way that actually serves you, you've got to be CONNECTED TO YOURSELF.
I think we get a little hooked on the "HYPE" of power. It seems cool.
You'll get a lot of likes if you say something outrageous, or bark back at someone being indecent.
You'll get a HIGH if you assert yourself in shutting down someone else.
You'll get CHARGED UP if you get validated for your sexiness.
It has a lot of appeal.
But it's surface.
FEMALE POWER is about...
Owning your ability to AFFECT the world around you, not control it.
Showing your face, not putting one on.
STANDING for your own boundaries, not demanding the squandering of someone else's.
Being open, honest, and REAL, not hiding "flaws" or putting up a shield.
Being SEXUAL, not sexy.
Being VULNERABLE, not emotionally reckless.
Asking for what you WANT, not waiting for what you "deserve".
Three weeks ago, some incredible women and I got to perform this piece on the Carnival stage. We worked to EMBODY THE FULLNESS OF FEMININE POWER AND CREATION.
We unlocked connection, and let the dance ride and wave between control and release. Between masculine and feminine. Between assertion and receiving. Between attack and submit. We sat right in the middle.
And it felt DAMN GOOD.
This performance was particularly special, as it was my last! (At least of this scale). It was clear that this is no longer my world, but I was thrilled to be able to SPEAK UP the way that we did.
We stepped on the stage, and the whole room shifted.
Turn up your volume, and enjoy.
Do you want to connect to your power?
Yoga Teacher Training begins in a week and a half. There is still SO MUCH TIME to sign up, and embark on this journey for yourself.
Ask yourself, what would it feel like if you were really powerful and connected in your body?
What would be possible?
Would you DO anything different?
Would you BE different?
I'll share a few of the things that have been possible with previous trainees:
They have booked the biggest dance job of their lives.
They have created a yoga retreat business that is thriving.
They have healed injuries (both acute and chronic).
They have accomplished insane physical feats (handstands, splits, and more).
They have entered into relationship with the love of their lives.
They have started creating music as a full-time job.
And so much more. And this was all before the UPGRADE that is happening this round. This program gives you not only tools for your growth, but the EMBODIMENT of your potential. This program helps you EXPAND YOUR CAPACITY FOR GREATNESS, whatever your version is.
You ready?
The time is now, my loves.