Pay-offs Part 5: In the body

The mind uses the body as one of it’s tools to get a pay-off, whether that’s in manifesting a cold, or achieving a yoga skill. When it comes to the body (but also, in all cases), I like to think of it as a short-term benefit, for a long-term cost. Because, in a moment like this, I get the juicy goodie of achieving a skill, which is seemingly beneficial, but in the long-term, I am only doing damage to my beautiful body.

As you listen, explore what it would mean to really check yourself during your yoga practice (or whatever types of movement you do), and make sure it’s not based on looking good, winning, or avoiding punishment! 

When I first started studying this stuff, I was in denial. “What! No way, I don’t do the splits for validation.” Low and behold…I definitely was secretly thinking about people seeing me doing the splits. I say secretly because, we keep this stuff from ourself! But once you start to look, you see it everywhere.

Where do you get a payoff in your body? Are you taking some short cuts just to feel better in the moment? Take accountability and start to shift.

Please ask me questions! I love to talk about this stuff. 


DOPE soundtrack by Carys Matar.

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