Processing emotions
Often we think that emotional processing is some big cathartic experience.
Punching pillows.
And it certainly can be.
(Cue my tantrum video from April 😜)
But most often, it looks more like this.
Letting the body lead 100%.
Not directing.
But FULLY experiencing.
In this video, me wiggling and sounding and shaking and breathing is mostly me just NOT STOPPING my body.
I’m not meditating.
I’m not asking my body to sit up right.
I’m not asking my breath to do anything specific.
But I AM WITH my body in full.
When we connect to ourselves like that, the emotion moves on its own.
When we connect to ourselves like that, the emotion, whatever it is, starts to feel heard. Held. Supported.
When we connect to ourselves like that, we invite in more presence, more resilience, more room for our full selves.
And more room for our full selves feels god damn amazing. ⚡️
In Get Turned On By Your Triggers, we practice this weekly.
And then as the weeks go on we practice going deeper into different states.
We get more comfortable with this connectedness in more ways.
You will get to the point where you can trust yourself to hold any emotion that comes your way.
You’ll know how to embody it, how to care for it, how to embrace it and feel full.
You’ll have yourself.