Devouring beauty and suffering with the same mouth 👄🫐

Sometimes, I find myself waiting.

Waiting for things to get better.

Waiting for something new to come.

Waiting, watching, holding on...
Being careful not to disrupt the energy too much
So I don’t have to feel what’s here now.

It’s like
An ice bath
Not wanting to move even your big toe so you don’t have to feel the cold all over again

It’s like
A tough set of exercises
Holding your breath and blindly completing the set so you don’t have to notice the intensity

It’s like
Getting it over with.

I can do hard things..
If I just close my eyes and pretend they aren’t happening.

But what if waiting
IS the thing to experience?

What if waiting is just a dodge
To not have to be with the vibrancy of life?

What if the vibrance of life,
Good or bad
Happy or sad
Is the whole point?

What if
Is the magic?

You don’t have to get through it.
You get to BE in it.

Here we are.

From @kim_krans ‘s The Crone archetype:

“She laughs at notions of good or bad, right or wrong, as she has seen the earth churning, smoldering, taking life and giving life.

The crone energy accepts everything in, devouring beauty and suffering with the same mouth, using their energy to reveal hidden secrets and knowledge.

Her energy resides in all of us, though it is feared by most for its power and unconventional relationship with death and the macabre.

Awakening The Crone is dangerously rich and unapologetically magic.”


Get Turned On By Your Triggers — an 8 week emotional embodiment training program — begins in January.

Enrollment opens Sunday.

Jessie Levine