My body tells me no, but I don't listen.

My body tells me no.
But I don’t listen.

My body tells me slow.
But I don’t listen.

My body tells me stop.
But I don’t listen.

If I listen to my body, what will I have?

Will I lose my achievement, my pride, my uniqueness?

If I listen to my body, what will I lose?

The body always knows.
But the body doesn’t serve me.

The body isn’t thinking about my ego.

How I look.

How to do it right.

The body is just doing what the body does.

So if I listen to my body,
Will I fail?

Will I stop being what the world needs of me?

Will I give up hope of being the cool one, the pretty one, the successful one, the one who made it?

And if I give those up- what do I aim for?
Where am I going?

See the body isn’t thinking about the ends.

The body lives in the means.
The how.
The what in the moment.

So if I live in the moment, what will I be in the end?

I guess that’s the risk you take in following your body.

Losing the result, to live in the now.

Losing the reward, to be with the vibrance.

Letting go of the outcome, to experience the fullness.

But what if,
All of that

Aligned the body with the outcome.

Aligned the spirit with the tangible.

Aligned the wondering with the knowing.

And as you give yourself to mystery and trust,

You find yourself in a cosmic world

With more than you ever dreamed of.

With outcomes that can only come from being in the moment.

With rewards that are about the YOU inside of your body, not the THEY outside of it.

What if,
Listening to your body is all there is?

Jessie Levine