You haven't earned your rest

The body pulls me down

I see the curtain closing

The darkness folding over

The weighted anchor locking me down

I don’t fight it, only because I can’t anymore.
I soften.
I let go.
I give in.

But I wake up in a hurry

Heart beating
Body tensing
Urgently reaching for something to do

My system searching for ways to make up for lost time

“You haven’t earned your rest” I hear

As the warm wash of guilt rolls in and pulls me into triggered action

Can’t stop opening Instagram

Compulsively creating plans and goals

Scheming for ways to be better


If instead of waiting for my body to shut the doors, to where I have no choice

I notice the impulse to rest
Drop down

I get on the side of my body


I DECIDE to give my body what it’s needing before she forces me to..

She thanks me.
She pulls me down
And down.
She opens.
She reveals.
She transforms.


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — Carl Jung

Get on the side of your unconscious desires.

Get turned on by your triggers.

We start January 17. Apply here. 🌟

Enjoy some sweet sweet rest this week.
Savor it.

Jessie Levine