Handstands gave me a voice
As silly as it sounds, handstands gave me a voice. ❄️
They gave me a reason to share.
They made me feel valuable enough to have something to say.
Of course, there’s a part of me that wishes I didn’t need that external validation to believe in my voice, my experiences, my opinions, my healing...
But at the same time, what a beautiful gift.
What a beautiful gift to feel valued, and worthwhile.
I’m noticing more and more that I no longer need the external validation in so many of the ways I previously did.
And that feels incredible.
I feel more whole than I’ve ever felt.
But I doubt I would be here (and continuing to expand) without all the ways in which I searched for and found my value in the context of the world.
I know we like to pretend that we don’t care what others think, or that we “should” be able to feel valuable and good enough without needing external praise...
But the truth is, getting validation from others, knowing you are loved and important, and receiving some proof of that is just as important as feeling it on your own.
❄️Honor your crafts, and the things you think you’re good at.
❄️Receive the compliments and praise from those who matter to you.
❄️Let yourself feel the goodness that you create in your relationships.
Handstands: thank you for making me feel important, and helping me find the courage to share myself.
It’s been a fun 8 years of finding new spots to get upside down!
🎶: @anaiis
🎥: my Momma
👖: @rsgactive [you get 50% off with THIS LINK!]