Searching for the words to say to you...
Courageous humans,
Wow. The last few weeks have been...a LOT. Confusing. Scary yet comforting? Overwhelming yet boring?
....a LOT.
And I've been searching for the words to say to you. Do I open up a new coaching program? Do I create some new offering for my audience? Do I share how I am coping? Do I teach some tactics?
And amidst all those questions, I've simply paused.
The last thing I want to do is add to the noise of this moment. You have no doubt been inundated with emails from every business you've ever subscribed to talking about this pandemic. You have likely seen every yoga instructor, health professional, influencer or teacher of any sort, jump on instagram live or zoom offering free classes and lectures.
There is SO much we COULD be doing at this time.
And yet, what I want to share is that - we don't HAVE to.
As we confront what is interpreted by our nervous system as MULTIPLE THREATS (the threat of illness, the worry of loved ones, financial concern, stress about other communities, etc) it is normal to feel overwhelm, confusion, frustration, sadness, anger, grief, worry, paralyzation, depression, anxiety, and so much more. These are simply our system trying to process.
It is tempting to feel these reactions in ourselves, and push them away to "get to work." Jump into action.
And there's a lot of advice out there supporting this, about how to do this quarantine thing the "BEST":
"Work out A LOT."
"Stick to a schedule."
"Get to that project you've really been wanting to do."
"Do all the things you never usually have time for."
And totally. Having time and space to do some of these things is great, and do them if you feel called.
Your body might not want to. It might feel motivated and excited one day, and then totally shut down the next.
And instead of trying to force ourselves to feel good or motivated all the time, it is important that we listen.
We listen to our loved ones in need.
We listen to the way the world is shifting.
We listen to the changing requirements being asked of us.
We listen to our own bodies, and honor the way our system is processing this.
And, we really can't listen if we are DOING.
Have you ever tried to listen to someone while you are fighting to prove your point? Yea...doesn't really work.
When we are in FIGHT (or any threat response), we can't digest, we can't receive, we can't BE WITH the overall experience. Our bodies won't let us.
So, instead of doing the most online classes, getting in the best shape of your life, or getting super controlling about cleanliness or budgets or whatever it is....what slowed down.
What if, you slept 9 hours a night.
What if, you took midday baths, and then read by your fire, or your window.
What if, you didn't work out when you were feeling tired.
What if, you let your body tell you when it was time to eat, or nap, or work hard, or move, or be still.
I know some of you have regular jobs that haven't stopped for this. And I know many of you are worried about how to solve your financial struggles.
I feel you, on both fronts.
What if, slowing down, and being WITH yourself was actually the "best" thing you could do?
I'll offer that it is.
For your health.
For your money.
For your family.
For your life.
When we stop doing, our body has the opportunity to speak up. Listen to it.
I'm here for you if you want some support during this time. I'm offering pay-what-you-can sessions, that are just single, 60 minute virtual sessions, where we can process whatever it is that you are going through, in a way that has you feel rooted in your experience, and capable of navigating the current challenges.
I know it can be strange, or difficult to reach out for support. Sometimes we don't even know if we need support, or what kind of support we need. But this is the time to reach out. To receive support in ways that maybe in the past would have been uncomfortable. I'm here for all of it.
Simply hit send me an email to to schedule a session, or share with me what's going on with you.
Sending you so much love, stillness, and clarity.
Feel free to forward this email to anyone who might need this.