Let's morph.
Today, when I went to walk my dog, I was confronted with what felt like a lot. A neighbor telling me about something dangerous happening outside. Running into 3 different people I know in the building, who I rarely see and having conversations about how challenging the quarantine is. Getting honked at and whistled at and kissed at, at least 5 or 6 times as I walked down the street. A woman screeaaaammming out of her window.
Now, I live in downtown LA, so this is not that different from a normal day, but let's get real: it is NOT a normal day. And at that moment, I could really feel it.
As I arrived back to my apartment I giggled at how crazy it feels to be walking outside in the midst of this looming threat, and observing how differently everyone processes that.
And I myself felt anxious.
Angry even.
I was feeling like a real brat, just wanting everyone to shut up.
The thing is, whether you have been directly affected by COVID-19 or not, you can feel it. Whether you think you are worried about it or not, your system knows something's going on. Whether you walked outside or went to the grocery store and confronted the weirdness of the everything, or you stayed in and scrolled through the news or instagram, you can FEEL the state of the world.
THE WHOLE WORLD is feeling this.
Now, that could mean a ton of different things. But I'll just say, it's normal and okay if you feel upset, sad, stressed, angry, frustrated, anxious, antsy, depressed, confused, overwhelmed. It's also normal and okay if you wake up one day and feel fine, the next day feel like everything is terrible, and the next day can't get out of bed.
Our system is on OVERLOAD.
And because of this, now - more than ever - is NOT the time to ignore that.
It's not the time to pretend like everything is fine.
It's not the time to over-schedule yourself to not feel what's really coming up for you.
It's not the time to push yourself to be better and better, when what is right in front of you is plenty challenging.
And the truth is, this is not necessarily THAT different from "normal" times, except that, the WHOLE WORLD is feeling the same things. And in a weird way, although that's challenging and terrifying, it also gives us permission to FEEL IT TOO.
A friend of mine shared with me today that she heard someone say, it's like I lost everything from my old life...and I didn't even get to say goodbye.
We lost a lot.
In a matter of a week.
And it's not gonna "go back to normal" anytime soon, if ever.
And at the same time, this is the truth about evolution. About expansion. About self-discovery. Is that we are always losing pieces of ourselves and morphing into new ones.
This quarantine is the perfect moment.
It's the perfect moment to BE WITH ourselves.
To grieve the old ways of being.
To feel the uneasiness of the current state.
To allow the unfolding of this shift to happen from within, and without.
It is perfect practice for what life really is, anyway.
My hope for us, in this time, is that we use it to morph.
I listened to the lovely Glennon Doyle on instagram today, comparing this moment in time to a cocoon. And when that caterpillar is in that cocoon, it is using ALL of its energy to morph into the beautiful butterfly it's about to become. It's not multitasking. It's not getting six pack abs. It's not working 10 hours a day and then tuning out at night.
It is ALL IN.
IN it's experiencing of morphing.
It's our turn.
Let's morph.
I have decided to offer a couple of different coaching packages, to adjust to the strange and unpredictability that we are dealing with here. I am now offering single sessions, 3 sessions, and a monthly package of bi-weekly sessions. Whether you are looking to work on something specific, get support in managing the changes of this time, or get on-going and long lasting transformation and connection to yourself, I'm here for it.
Ready to start your morph? Apply here.
Curious but uncertain? Talk to me.
*I AM ALSO still offering single, 60 minute, pay-what-you-can sessions for the time being. If you are curious about this work, now's the time to try it out! Hit REPLY to this email to schedule.*
I hope you'll join me in the journey of going IN. Of morphing.
BE WITH yourself, during this time.
Feel free to forward this email to anyone who might need this.