Testimonial: Renee Kester
I started working with Jessie about 6 months ago. I had gone to traditional therapy off and on throughout my 20’s but was always left feeling frustrated. Once I started sessions with Jessie, my mind and body felt heard for the first time in a long, long time.
I don’t want to say I’ve changed because in truth, healing doesn’t feel like change.. it feels like realizations, freedom, and unraveling. It feels like getting back to who I was as a small child when I trusted my body, my needs, and my passion. This is better than changing who I am or “fixing” myself.. it’s becoming who I am and loving myself.
Jessie is special for so many reasons I could go on and on. But what makes her work so impactful is her intelligent way of finding YOUR truth.. not someone else’s truth or her truth, but your truth! She gets you into your body, listening to what it’s trying to tell you. She rides the roller coaster with you and holds your hand through it all.
I never realized how many needs, desires, pain, and even MEMORIES I had locked away, until doing this work. They were covered up by who I “should” be and what I “should” feel. I had successfully convinced myself that I was fine no matter what happened to me. I had successfully lied to myself to the point where I was blind to reality. I spent a long time wishing for others to respect me while disrespecting myself. I was afraid of other people’s thoughts, and afraid of my own thoughts.
Since working with Jessie life seems a little less scary. And that’s because I’m learning how to trust myself. I still have a lot of healing to do but I couldn’t be more grateful to be on this journey with Jessie.