There's room for your anger.
There’s room for you.
There’s room for your anger.
Your sadness.
Your heartbreak.
Your fear.
There’s room for your frustration that you just can’t get it right,
Or that the world never seems to learn.
There’s room for your shame that you aren’t enough, or you don’t deserve more.
There’s room for your hopelessness that no matter how much you do, some things don’t seem to change.
We’ve been taught that there is no room.
That we must overcome and move on.
But the truth is,
There’s room if you let it.
Course enrollment closes tonight.
Let us make way for you
For the whole of you
To be, and feel, and embody
Who you are.
Last chance to listen to this call.
If it’s in you—
You already know.
Love you.