I kept trying to stay centered....

I kept trying to stay centered

I’d gather myself, get grounded, take a deep breath

And then she’d pull on me.

Twisting my body and my energy into a knot.

I feel her in my hip
In my back

Every time I center, she stops pulling
I feel good

But every time I go to move, the pulling comes back.

I told myself all the reasons why I need to stay centered.
I figured out exactly what was pulling and why.
I knew what needed to be done.

But - she didn’t stop.
She haunted me.

Finally, I gave in.

I pulled back.
I took the twisted, contorted energy, and I twisted it more.

And now
When she pulls,
I wake up to her calling
And I pull too.

And suddenly
It’s not so bad to be un-centered.
In fact
It’s vibrant and electric to be in her pull.


So many healing modalities teach us how to be centered, calm, full of breath.

And thats certainly really useful, and lovely.

But it is simply not always what reality calls for.

Sometimes we must be upset, anxious, chaotic, spiraling, frustrated, passionate, and the like.

And the resistance to those, is often the thing that keeps us stuck.

But how many of us have learned how to be upset?
How to feel tension (not the release of) in our bodies?
How to ride the wave of emotion?


Get turned on by your Triggers begins January 17.

Let’s ride it.

*you must hop on a quick call with me to join. We will discuss the details together.
**enrollment closes on SUNDAY. Apply soon.


Jessie Levine