Why is it only true, when it's good?
Sometimes when I feel good, I think “THIS is the truth. Phew! There’s nothing to worry about!”
But why do I think that’s the truth, and not the rest?
Not the worry.
Not the sadness.
Not the fear?
Why is it only true, when it’s good?
I think there’s a misconception about what healing is.
We think that healing means removing the bad.
Get the bad “out” of you so you can finally be free.
Healing is not removal of pieces of you.
Healing is a gathering of pieces of you.
It is a welcoming.
A holding.
A nurturing.
A loving.
It is connection, not separation.
Your pain is just as true as your happiness.
Perhaps our goal should not be happiness.
But rather
As we enter into the new year
A moment that marks the end of a phase of so much pain, confusion, and disorientation
My hope for all of us is to be able to hold ourselves in our pain.
And to hold the world in its.
I love you.