Why we blame, and what our body is really telling us

Incredible humans,

Do you notice this pattern?

You, or someone you know, feels something is a little off. Maybe they have a stomach ache, maybe they are feeling grumpy, maybe their back hurts, maybe they are stressed. And you, or they, or someone else says something like, "it's probably because I ate too much." Or, "it must be because your period is coming." Or, "well, mercury is in retrograde, so...." or, "this is what alcohol does to me."

We feel something "wrong," and we immediately need a reason for it (especially if everything else is seemingly "good"). And in some ways, that makes us feel better. If I KNOW it's because of the food I ate, then I can CHOOSE BETTER the next time. OR, if I know it's because my period is here, then I can feel a little less at fault.

In both cases, these are ways of pushing away the experience of whatever is "wrong", putting it on something else, and not having to deal with it at the moment.

Well, I'm grumpy now, but I won't be after my period is over.
OR, next time I'll only have one drink. 

It pushes it OFF of us. 

Now, I'm not saying these reasons and ways of coping are bad. In fact, I think they are NECESSARY, and can be really helpful.

It is incredibly useful to realize that your period is contributing to you feeling a little insane, and that you might benefit from rest. Or that perhaps eating certain things makes you feel worse, and it might be wise to be aware. Or that given the state of the planets, that we are all feeling a little bit off right now can make us feel less alone. 

All of these are SO important.
Understanding WHY you are feeling a certain way is a HUGE part of healing.

However, that is just the tip of the iceberg. 
And if we think that is all there is to look at, we are going to miss THE GOOD STUFF.

So, yes, maybe you shouldn't drink so much....

And also, let's look at this feeling you're having.

Here's the thing, when your body is giving you a "symptom" of any sort, it is asking you to listen to it. It is CALLING OUT to you. 

So, when you feel that back pain, instead of blaming the plane ride, maybe sit with it. Breathe into it. Ask it what's going on. 

For me, yesterday, I shared with you that I woke up feeling uneasy. Feeling like I wasn't doing enough and just generally wasn't okay. So, I jumped to all the things to blame: 
1. It's because I drank tequila. I never drink tequila, and it is harsh on my system.
2. It's because my period arrived, day 1-3 are always a bit of a doozy. 
3. Someone told me it's because Mars is in Capricorn. I don't actually follow that stuff too much, but apparently that was contributing :D. 

And I watched myself try to find a bunch more reasons, and a bunch more solutions. My system kept looking for a way OUT of what I was feeling. 

But the truth is, what I was feeling was REAL.
And it was my system CALLING TO ME. 

And when I listened, it transformed.
I felt so deeply connected to myself that I was able to keep listening throughout the day. I was able to rest when I needed to, and soak up the goodness that the part of me that was down, was needing. 
(In fact, later in the day I thanked the tequila for allowing me to experience this process. Perhaps, it wasn't the thing making me feel bad, but the thing that allowed me to get to my next layer of expansion.)

Now, I won't lie, this can be challenging at times. If you've ever had a back spasm or something painful like that - just calming it down enough to be with it, is HARD. Sometimes not possible. And this is true of emotional pain as well. 

See, there's a reason why we are always looking for a way to push it off. It's because just BEING with the pain is a LOT to hold. 

But when we can be with it...
MAGIC happens.
Our pain transforms.
Our lessons appear before us with ease.
Our body frees up.
Our tears release and turn to laughter and joy and love.
Our presence fills our whole body. 

We start to show up for the REAL us.
We start to FEEL WHOLE.
We start to HEAL.

THIS is what my upcoming online course teaches you to do. 
It teaches you to honor your experience, and be able to process it in a way that not only makes you feel better (plain and simple), but allows for deeper and more honest healing in the long run. 

Take a peak at our curriculum. 

Online Course Modules (1).jpg

We progress slowly. 
We begin by noticing and understanding the "symptoms" (in this case it will be things like feelings of not good enough...but make no mistake, back pain and stomach aches are in there too ;)).
We progress to learning the tools and practices that will have you FEEL what's really going on, emotionally and physically. You will learn how to talk to your body directly, starting to speak it's language. 
Finally, we will feel into the parts of you that are ready to be whole. The parts of you that can hold ALL OF YOU, and expand capactiy for that. 

This process is simple, but it is not always easy. 
It is not always (or maybe never) doable alone.
It requires a support system.
It requires seeing other people, and being seen, to some degree. 

We get to create the safety and structure for this, together.

Ready to venture with me? Sign up.
Want more info? Click here.
Have questions about price? Timing? Technology? Me? You? Email me.

I love you.



Jessie Levine