I fucked it up.
I f*cked it up.
I let go of so much of what I’ve built.
The yoga.
The dance.
The sexiness.
The flash.
The things that for the last 5 years, my business has been built on.
The things that for the last 20 years, my identity has been rooted in.
I’ve been releasing the need to do handstands for likes (energetically and literally in so many ways) for years now,
But I hadn’t fully let it go.
Until now.
And the truth is,
I hadn’t fully let it go
Because of what’s happening right now.
A HUGE loss of attention.
Of likes.
Of engagement.
Of validation.
Of feeling like I’m valuable, in a sea of superficial rewards.
It feels like I lost my mojo.
And a part of me is super frustrated.
Like I really f*cked it up.
I can feel all these old parts of me, trying to come back up.
Like they are saying, “put me back in, coach!”
But I can’t.
It won’t work.
Because the other part of me,
The deeper, truer, more full part of me,
Is unwavering.
This part of me is so relieved that I’m finally listening to myself.
This part of me is so fulfilled, and whole, and sturdy.
In fact,
Although many emotions that have come and gone over the last few weeks,
I have not once doubted my commitment to this truth.
I have not once thought, maybe I shouldn’t live this way after all.
There is not even a question in me,
Of which I would rather do:
Or attention and appeasing to what’s cool..
Because it’s gonna be truth
I ask you.
In what ways are you compromising the truth inside of you,
The IT that is pulling on you,
Calling to you,
Beckoning you...
To appease to what’s cool,
Or what’s sexy and hype?
In what ways does what you “GET”
Override who you ARE?
In what ways do you leave yourself,
To make nice with something else?
And what could be possible,
If you held that space for yourself?
What could be possible if you stayed in the truth.
Not because of the results, or the ego goodies.
But because it’s that truth that has you align with the YOU that was made for this moment.
The YOU that serves this planet.
The YOU that you’ve been trying to let out for the last 20 years.
What if that you,
Could really be true?
In IDENTITY, my 2-part online course,
We drop into this energy.
And we let it lead us through the distractions, the deviations, the triggers, the conditioning.
And SHE does.
The course is forming.
You must have a call with me to join.
Apply now.
We will begin when she tells us to.