I used to be horny all the time.

I used to be h*rny ALL THE TIME.

Dropping everything mid-day for a climax...
Or 2 or 3...
Was not unheard of.

In fact,
It was usually daily.

Usually daily,
I hit a point where the stress level inside of me built up in just the right way...
Not too much that I was panicked,
But not too little that I didn’t feel,

That I felt sensational.
Stressed and tense,
And alive.
And then I would lay down,
And push it all out.
Discharge it all through my system.
And honestly,
It usually only took a minute or two.

Sometimes I felt tired after.
Other times I felt clear and energized.

But the consistent truth remained,
I NEEDED to do that.

The desire was SO. BIG.

There was no other way.

(now, as you can imagine this led to some interesting dynamics in relationships, ie:
-wondering why I seem to want it more than my partners
-feeling constantly undernourished, undervalued, and unloved
-USING my desire for s*x as a hook, a thing that I tell myself should make people want to be with me
-and many more)

And then,
I started working with my body.
My nervous system.
My p*ssy.

I started working with my sensuality.
And by that I mean

I started working with my body’s signals,
For the first time,
Probably EVER.

Because as much as I had always been MOVING my body, and studying yoga and self-development,
None of those things had really ever taught me to BE WITH my body.
They taught me how to change it, to control it, or to let it go.

So, I stopped “letting it go,”
And I started working WITH it.
Following it.
Honoring it.

I started letting my TURN ON
Be felt everywhere.
Not just for the midday release,
But as access to the parts of me that light up.
The parts of me that feel alive.

And I learned all kinds of fun things,
Like using this turn on to manifest-
Everything from parking spots (yes, it’s called p*ssy parking ✨ give it a try 😜)
To financial goals and relationship creation.

But more importantly,
What started to happen was,
I no longer needed to DUMP my charge ⚡️ into a climax.
I no longer needed to GET RID OF the aliveness in my system by finishing.
I no longer NEEDED to engage with s*x and org*sm all the time,
Because I was CONSTANTLY lit up with aliveness, and full of turn on energy in every moment.

Now, by no means am I saying that climax is only used in this way,
NOR that it’s a bad thing to use it in this way.

But it CAN be used this way,
(And perhaps it is often used this way for many.)

And when we ONLY use it in this way,
We cut ourselves off from accessing the expansion and aliveness that is here for us always.

The sexuality of the moment.
The sensation of presence.
The heat of reality.

So, I’m no longer h*rny all the time.
Not for s*x any way.
But I am,
Lit up
And turned on for life.

The creative force within me lives.

And yes, we do this in IDENTITY, in SO many ways. You can apply now.


Jessie Levine