I'm leaving LA.

I’m leaving LA.

I truly feel like my work here is done.

Over the last few months I’ve been feeling like something is coming, but I didn’t know what.
So I kept on like normal.
And I kept listening.

On Sunday it hit me.
It’s time to go.

I’m leaving LA
And I’m going to travel.

If you know me, you know that traveling is not my thing.
It’s not something I ever saw myself doing.

But something in me has been rumbling
Asking to be broken open.

On Sunday,
The thought entered my mind.
I went with my usual rebuttals at first,
You can’t do that.
You need more money.
That would be so dumb for your business.
That’s dangerous.
And on and on.

But then,
I sat on my balcony for hours,
Sitting in a deep sadness.
A deep knowing that something needs to shift.
A strong desire to get out of here.
I cried, and let it pull me.

As I followed it I started seeing doors open.
Like wait,
All these reasons I’ve always used to not do something like this..
Are just not relevant anymore.
Let’s be real,
So many of them were caught up in identity bullshit.

I moved to LA to dance.
Then I started running my own yoga business.
Now, I do neither of those things.
In fact,
I feel like I accomplished everything I ever wanted to accomplish in both of those spaces.

Back in January, when my most recent online course began, I remember feeling like
Like I really made it.
I’ve done everything I set out to do.
I am who I’ve always wanted to be.

What now?

As you know (if you’ve been following me)
That’s been an ongoing question, and I’m sure it will continue.
But at least now,
The next step has revealed itself.
And off we go.

I will NOT be running IDENTITY this round, stay tuned for the future.

I leave LA July 15.
Come see me.
I love you.


📷: @jamesxwolfe

Jessie Levine