Make-wrong Part 4: What's the solution?
What can we do? People and things are going to be bad and wrong, all the time. So, we can continue blaming, and discharging our pain on those things.
We can simply accept the feelings. We can let in the sadness, the hurt, and the fear. Stop shoving that feeling down, you know, the feeling that says, “I’m scared he’ll leave”, or the feeling that says, “I feel ashamed when my friends criticize my man.” Let it out. That feeling is for you to investigate. Because if you DON’T, it WILL come out another way. In the make-wrong game, it WILL come out. Might as well address it now, before it gets so tangled you can’t even see.
What feelings are you struggling to accept? As I’ve begun coaching one-on-one, a common theme I’m seeing is the unwillingness to feel a feeling. We get to digging into something, and almost all of them say something like, “I think it’s this…but I really don’t want it to be this” !! So, where can you allow yourself to see it? Be honest. Dig in.
DOPE soundtrack by Carys Matar.